Shindig! was an American musical variety series from September 1964 until January 1966. The show was hosted by Jimmy O’Neill, a disc jockey from Los Angeles and focused on popular performers including Bo Diddley, Sonny & Cher, The Beach Boys, James Brown, and The Supremes. The show featured also a dance troupe called the Shin-diggers, who accompanied the music acts of the week. Tina was three times guest in the first season of the show, performing solo and with other acts, but every time without Ike. Also in the credits, only Tina is mentioned.
The first appearance was in 1964, where Tina performed A Fool In Love and together with Neil Sedaka Ooh Poo Pah Doo. The next year in April, she duetted with Marvin Gaye & The Rightous Brothers on previous never performed songs, as well as two tracks from Ike & Tina solo. Two episodes later, The Ikettes performed solo two of their biggest hits with Peaches 'N' Cream and Camel Walk. The last appearance from Tina was in August 1965 with three Ike & Tina soul songs solo. At the end of the show, Tina was also present on stage together with Jay P. Mobey & Bo Diddley.
Date: August 18, 1965
Episode: 49, Season 1
I Don’t Need, Goodbye So Long, I Can’t Believe What You Say (Live) / Can Your Monkey Do the Dog? (Live with Jay P. Money & Bo Diddley)
Date: April 21, 1965
Episode: 32, Season 1
Peaches 'N' Cream, Camel Walk (Live Robbie Montgomery, Venetta Fields, Jessie Smith)
Date: April 07, 1965
Episode: 30, Season 1
Willie And The Hand Jive (Live with Marvin Gaye & Rightous Brothers) / Money, That’ll Be The Day (Live with Marvin Gaye) / Tell Her I’m Not Home, Tell The Truth (Live)
Date: November 25, 1964
Episode: 12, Season 1
A Fool In Love (Live) / Ooh Poo Pah Doo (Live with Neil Sedaka)