People is an American weekly magazine, specialiced in celebrity news and human-interest stories. The first issue was published on March 4, 1974. In the December issue from 1981, Tina told for the first time about her abusive life with Ike Turner, mentioned in the documentation TINA from 2021. After Tina passed away in 2023, they honored her again with a cover story and a special Commemorative Edition.
Issue: June 12, 2023
Story: How the unstoppable Queen of Rock and Roll changed the music world - and found lasting love and peace in her final years
Writer: Tom Gliatto
Photographer: Herb Ritts
Pages: 8
Language: English
Issue: June 02, 2023 (Commemorative Edition)
Story: The Queen of Rock & Roll - Her Strength, Swagger and Iconic Sound
Writer: Richard Jerome
Pages: 80
Language: English
Issue: December 04, 2000
Story: Tina Turner’s last tour: A legend looks at her life
Language: English
Issue: October 22, 2018
Story: Secrets she’s never told
Writer: Sandra Sobierja Westfall
Pages: 5
Language: English
Issue: September 01, 1986
Story: Hits And (Hoots) For Fall
Language: English
Issue: July 29, 1985
Pages: 11
Photographer: Ken Regan, Neal Preston
Story: Exclusive: Backstage at Live Aid
Language: English
Issue: July 15, 1985
Pages: 5
Writer: Carl Arrington
Photographer: Ian Cook
Story: Mad Max’s Tina Turner
Language: English
Issue: April 29, 1985
Story: Tina: come on-a my house
Language: English
Issue: March 25, 1985
Story: Are They Worth It?
Language: English
Issue: December 24, 1984
Story: The 25 Most Intriguing People of 1984
Language: English
Issue: December 07, 1981 (not on cover)
Story: Tina Turner: On the prowl without Ike / Tina tells for the first time about her abusive marriage with Ike Turner
Language: English