Playboy After Dark was an American television show, hosted by Hugh Hefner. It was aired from 1969 to 1970, taped at CBS Television City in Los Angeles and followed much the same style as Hefner's earlier show „Playboy's Penthouse“. The show portrayed a party at Hefner's place with Playboy Playmates and celebrities. Guests included Joe Cocker, Sammy Davis Jr., Grateful Dead, Deep Purple, Fleetwood Mac and James Brown. Ike & Tina Turner appeared in the seventh episode of the second season with live performances and an interview with Hugh Hefner and a jam with Doug Kershaw on „Honky Tonk Women“. It was taped on December 03, 1969 and aired in February 1970. The complete performance was released on the Playboy After Dark home video in 2008.
February 03, 1970
Interview (Hugh Hefner) / I Want To Take You Higher, Come Together, Proud Mary, Honky Tonk Women (Live Tina & Pat Powdrill, Ester Jones,Claudia Lennear)